Can the size of biceps be raised by 1 inch in three months?

You can increase the size of your biceps by 1″ in 6 weeks if you know how to train them. Here’s how to do it.
To increase the size of any muscle you need 3 things;
  1. Mechanical Tension (Heavy weight, low reps)
  2. Metabolic Stress (Light weight, high reps)
  3. Muscle Damage (Drop-sets, Super-sets, rest pause sets, intra-set stretching)
Now if you want to increase the size of your biceps by 1″ you have to over-train it.
Most people would think that over-training is a bad thing but I’m here to tell you 99.9% of people will never truly reach a state of over-training. Most people under-train.
So you increase the size of your biceps you need to train them 3 days a week for six weeks doing an overload phase.
The rest of your muscle groups will only get “maintenance” work, meaning you’ll train the other muscle groups at a minimum because your focus is going to be on your arms.
Think of training like digging a ditch for your recovery.
You dig the ditch when you train (create fatigue) and then you grow your muscles (re-fill the ditch) when you sleep, rest, and eat (recovery).
If you do this right, you will slightly OVERFILL the ditch, leaving you with a little more muscle each time you train.


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