Do girls like muscular guys?
These questions always amuse me—probably because they remind me of a much younger version of myself. To preface (and give credibility to what I am about to share), this is me: (I apologize to those that have seen this before. It always feels like a new story every time I tell it.) When I was the skinny kid on the left, I wanted so badly to be the shredded guy on the right. In my mind, I held that image and forced myself to go to the gym, hoping one day, one day, the dream would manifest itself. My original intention was simple: I just wanted people to like me. I wanted girls to want to go out with me. I wanted guys to respect me. I wasn’t so much interested in being the center of attention. I just wanted what was fair, and what I think every human being wants—a little validation, and a sense of self worth. The photo on the left was taken when I was ~15 years old. The photo on the right was taken when I was ~24. By the time I actually became that person on the ...