How long did it take you to get truly "buff" and sculpted muscles ?

A long a** time..

It took me around 5 years.

I started out when I was 16 and I'm 21 now. When I started training I had no idea what I was doing. Basically the first 3 years of my bodybuilding journey were highly ineffective due to my lack of knowledge about the sport and what it takes to really build up your physique. 

I look back with a lot of regret because I thought I knew everything and just did what everyone else was doing. Wrong move. I failed have the humility to learn from the best in the game, which would have helped me to progress and gain a lot more muscle mass than I did in those early stages. I have no idea why I didn't put more time into learning about the ins and outs of bodybuilding...Maybe I was just so immature and unaware of the level of humility it takes to become good at something...

(This is me after my cut at 6% bodyfat.)

Now, a little over 5 years into the journey I feel like I've finally cracked the code of crafting an aesthetically pleasing physique with good amount of size. And the funny thing is that I discovered this ''secret'' like a few months ago. So what you see in that picture is nothing, it's only the beginning. (as corny as that sounds) But it's true. Before I knew this I wasn't giving my body any good reason to change. 

Now I know what it takes to really grow and develop at a decent rate. I really wish I would've discovered this a lot earlier because I would be sooo much further with my physique. 

Funny that I say this but now 5+ years into training, the journey is just really starting and NOW is the time when I will actually start making massive gains.

Few things to keep in mind:

1. Be obsessed with achieving your ideal physique (nothing great has ever been accomplished without obsession toward one's goal)

2. Forget about ''overtraning''. While it does exist, ''overtraining'' is usually used as a term by the lazy and unmotivated as an excuse to why they aren't putting in the work required to achieve their ideal bodies. When you're on a good diet, get enough sleep and rest, you will be amazed as to how much stress and stimulation you can put your body through. More stimulation, more work, more hustle = growth. You get what you put in! 

3. Be patient. It does not happen overnight and you really have to be in it for the long haul. It will take longer than you'd like. But remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. 

4. Study the greats. Success has already been figured out, all you have to do is to study the best bodybuilders in the world and adopt their methods into your training to see results (this is what I have done successfully)

5. Always break out of your comfort zone. This is HUGE. Every single time you hit the gym, your goal should be to exceed your own expectations as to how hard you can go at it. Every sessions you should break out of your comfort zone and go to where the most pain is. I can't over emphasize this point enough. You have to give your body a reason to change! If you hit the gym and always do what everyone else does and perform the same workouts with the same amount of intensity over and over again, you are not giving your body a reason to change and develop. You literally must force it to grow by your will. Every single workout. 

Bodybuilding has so many beautiful similarities with being successful in life that so many people unfortunately miss because they're not dedicated to the journey. The lessons of consistency, patience, effort, exceeding expectations, setbacks, and intensity can be the differentiating factor between you becoming HIGHLY successful in life or living in mediocrity. Most people think it's just about getting big. It's not. That's only the tangible reward of building your physique. The real rewards are intangible. The real rewards are the lessons that shift your mindset into one of winners. 


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