What is the simplest, most effective bodyweight workout routine that I can do daily to get a Greek god figure 2 ?

I saw CRAZY results when I started doing these 3 things…
I’ve been writing about strength, fitness, and weight loss for years and run the blog The Science of Getting Ripped if you want to learn more.
Anyways, if you want to sculpt an amazing body using body weight exercises, here are the 3 things that will transform your physique:
1). Do THESE Specific Movement Patterns
If you use these simple exercises, you’ll be able to mix and match them based on your strength, skill level, and abilities.
Understand these movement patterns and choose your favorite exercises:
  • Horizontal Push: Pushups, elevated pushups, and one-armed pushups
  • Vertical Pull: Pullups or chinups
  • Vertical Push: Dips, handstand pushups
  • Horizontal Pull: Inverted rows
  • Squat Movement: Pistol (one-legged) squats, jumping squats, lunges, step-ups
  • Hip-Hinge Movement: Glute ham raise, back raises, back bends
  • High-Intensity Cardio: Box jumps, burpees, hill sprints, jumping rope, and high jumps are all good examples
These basic movements hit all of your major muscle groups. Best of all, you can do them anywhere.
2). Lift Explosively, Lower Slowly
The FASTEST way to get results from your body weight workout is to “lift” explosively and to lower slowly.
University of Alabama researchers recently studied two groups of lifters doing a 29-minute workout. One group performed exercises using a 5-second up phase and a 10-second down phase, the other a more traditional approach of 1 second up and 1 second down.
The faster group burned 71 percent more calories and lifted 250 percent more weight than the superslow lifters
You’re going to do the same thing with your body weight workout.
  • Pushups: go down slowly, then explode up
  • Pullups: go down slowly, then explode up
  • Squats: go down slowly, then explode up
You get the idea…
3). Use tools to TURBOCHARGE Your Results
One complaint about body weight workouts is that you can’t progressively increase the resistance, so it’s hard to get bigger and stronger.
Well, not if you get these tools:
  • Pull-up Bar: A pullup bar is not absolutely essential if you can’t do a pullup or a chinup. But if you can, then it’s required
  • Gymnastic Rings: Gymnastic rings are essential. Strength coach Jason Ferruggia has said that rings are the greatest tool for building upper body strength. They allow you to do all sorts of pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, inverted rows, and even pushups.
  • Dip Bar: If you can do dips and don’t want to invest in gymnastic rings, you’ll get a lot of use out of a dip bar.
  • Dip Belt: Dip belts are great buy. They can be used to make your pull-ups, chin-ups, and dips more challenging. I have one myself and I’m really happy with the purchase.
  • Jump Rope: Jumping rope is a GREAT way to burn fat. You can jump rope in HIIT (high intensity interval training) format where you jump for 20 seconds, rest for 10, and repeat 8 times. It will build quickness and agility (in addition to burning fat), which is why boxers jump rope so much
  • Box: Having a sturdy box for box jumps and step-ups is great to build lower body strength


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