Let me start off with: It is absolutely possible to lose fat while building muscle. It's not the fastest way to build muscle, per se, but it's possible. Resistance training. If you have a quality program or routine set up, you don't need to change it. If you don't figure out a good program that works for you. I happen to be a fan of full body workouts, hitting the gym heavy twice a week and doing endurance calisthenic work on the days out of the gym, and have had great results so far, this is known as daily undulating periodization, a useful training tool for strength building [1] In any case keep lifting and lifting hard. Cardiovascular training You can do it if you want to, I'm a fan of it, for a number of reasons , not solely aesthetic reasons. If you do cardio, I suggest doing it moderate to high intensity for at least 30 minutes a session. People that fail to shrink their fat while doing cardiovascular are likely failing in the next sessio...
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