What muscle do girls like the most ?

There’s this saying that goes, “heartbreak makes bodybuilders.” A lot of guys think that if they build muscle they’ll have all the girls in the world. Sorry bro, doesn’t work like that. The muscle women like the most is the one between your ears. Your brain.
What if I told you that women don’t REALLY care all that much about muscles? What if I told you that women like guys that excite them and make them feel supported and secure?
Let’s use a hypothetical. You’ve got this guy,
who’s a model, but all he does is eat broccoli and chicken and take selfies in the restroom. Basically, he’s as boring as horse shite. Then you’ve got this guy,
who is driven, funny, intelligent, well-traveled, and knows how to salsa dance.
Sure, the first guy may get more looks, but after one conversation, women will be done with him. The second guy will win every time.
Unless you know how to pique and keep her interest, she won’t be looking at you for long.
Whether a woman is a feminist or as traditional as they come, women like credible men. Men who mean what they say and say what they mean. Men who are decisive and confident enough to go after what they want in life.
Speaking from experience, women didn’t start paying more attention to me when I started building muscle. Women showed me more attention after I found some damn direction in my life. Direction is sexy af to women.
Ironically, that’s when I lost most interest in chasing women and threw every bit of free time I had into building a business.
So, if all you want is girls, don’t waste your time at the gym. Spend time actually talking to women and getting comfortable around them. Spend time trying to become a fascinating man, and then women will come to you.
If you want to make never-ending progress at the gym for yourself, and not to try to get girls, then I created a free video series for you over o


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